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About BIGiOK


About BIGiOK

Who is BIGiOK?

Founded in 1906 as the Oklahoma Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents, BIGiOK (Big I Oklahoma, Independent Insurance Agents of Oklahoma) has grown into the largest and most influential insurance trade association in the state. With nearly 450 independent insurance agency members, we proudly represent over 3,000 independent insurance agents and their teams. Our members range from small, one-person operations to some of the largest and most respected agencies in the region.

BIGiOK’s mission and policies are shaped by a dedicated board of directors, elected each year at our annual convention, and implemented by a professional staff based in Oklahoma City. Our work is driven by a commitment to strengthening independent insurance agencies through a variety of programs and services. From advocacy in before legislative, regulatory, and judicial bodies in Oklahoma to providing essential resources, BIGiOK is a powerful voice for independent agents at the state level.

We are also proud to be affiliated with the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA), a national organization based in Alexandria, Virginia, and Washington, DC, that amplifies our advocacy efforts on a national stage.

Beyond advocacy, BIGiOK serves as the go-to resource for information and updates within the insurance industry. Through our publications—Policy Magazine, the BIGiOK Newsletter, and other time-sensitive member communications—we ensure that our members stay informed and equipped to thrive in an ever-evolving industry.

Vision statement of bigiok

We have a sustainable independent agency system that ensures our members are indispensable to their clients, are confident in their operations, and engaged in their community.


The mission statement of the BIGiOK, working in the public's best interest, through active member participation, is to be the unrelenting advocate of independent insurance agents and to fulfill the education, political and business needs of its members.

Our pledge of Performance promise that we will:

  • Understand your needs as a member of our local community

  • Use our broad market access to provide you choices that help result in solutions to address your needs

  • Communicate quickly and effectively in a way that works for you, whether it's in-person or electronically

  • Provide sound guidance as a knowledgeable professional who is passionate about insurance

  • Be there to adapt your coverage as your family's and business's needs change

  • Be a trusted resource who reports and guides you through the claims process.